Greetings! We are so happy to share with you the good news of biblical equality.
Here’s “the rest of the story”:
In college, I (Janet) was asked to teach a workshop at a weekend retreat. I declined because my boyfriend (Matt) pointed out that the Bible says women shouldn’t teach men. It did not feel right at the time, but we both wanted to be obedient to Scripture.
We started our marriage thinking men should be the leaders and decision makers in the home. Again, that did not seem right because we were equally gifted and capable.
We praise God for leading us to a supportive Evangelical Covenant Church (with pastors Steve Thulson and John Phelan) and Christians for Biblical Equality. After years of research, we discovered the Bible teaches ministry should be based on giftedness, not gender. And, leadership should be shared in the
church and home.
We were excited to share all we had learned so I (Janet) wrote a concise explanation of mutuality: Still Side by Side, published by Christians for Biblical Equality. It has now been translated into 20 languages.
Seeing the continued need for the message of mutuality, the idea for a video was born. We interviewed dozens of teachers and scholars, from around the world, for this video series. What a thrill it has been to hear all their insights and stories!
It is our prayer that the truth will set many free to enthusiastically “use whatever gift you have received to serve others…with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 4:10-11
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Matt and Janet George
**Matt and Janet own a residential appraisal company in Centennial, Colorado, where they attend Centennial Covenant Church and Oasis Community Church. They have three grown daughters and five grandchildren.