Online Sessions

  • #1 The Need for Biblical Mutuality (12 mins)

    What does it mean to be biblically side by side? What happens when we limit our giftedness? How can God’s Word change our hearts and minds?

  • #2 God’s Original Design for Men and Women (16 mins)

    What does the creation narrative teach about men and women? What are the consequences of sin on male/female relationships? We will explore what it means to follow God’s original design.

  • #3 One in Christ Jesus (15 mins)

    How do we follow God’s calling? Does being “one in Christ” refer only to salvation? Can a woman have equal worth when given only subordinate roles? Learn what Jesus taught and demonstrated.

  • #4 Understanding Male Headship (17 mins) 

    What does headship mean and what are the implications in the New Testament? How does headship apply to the church and in marriage? How has headship been misused?

  • #5 Scriptural Teaching on Women in Leadership (19 mins)

    Why does Paul instruct women in the church in Corinth to be silent? Does the Bible affirm women in leadership? We’ll look at specific verses in the New Testament to see if the Bible condemns or condones women teaching and in leadership.

  • #6 Living Fully in the Spirit’s Gifting (11 mins)

    One of the most wonderful things about working together as the body of Christ is seeing how everyone’s gifts contribute. However, are spiritual gifts different for men and women? Should women be pastors? How can we encourage women in ministry?

  • #7 Marriage Relationships (15 mins)

    What does the Bible say about submission and mutuality in marriage? How are decisions to be made in marriage? Is mutuality threatening manhood? We will consider what the Bible says about marriage relationships and how we should work together.

For centuries, people have had questions about the roles of men and women in both the church and home. What is God’s design for relationships? What did Jesus have to say? Are spiritual gifts and callings different for men than women? In this unprecedented new video series, dozens of internationally renowned scholars address these questions.